Friday, November 2, 2012

Danielle's Legend of the Shopaholic

The Legend of the Shopaholic
Once upon a time there was a girl named Emily. Emily lived with her family. She had two sisters and a mother and father. Emily’s parents did their best to support for the family but could only do so much. Emily’s parents both worked. Her mother worked part time at the bank, and her father worked full time at a local convenient store. Emily’s parents were never really around much as they both worked. Her father worked through the night quite often as that was one of the busiest times at the store. Emily always sought more attention from her parents for that reason. One day, while Emily was at the mall, looking around a casual clothing store, a girl came up to her. They starting talking about the knit red sweater they were both looking at. From this point on Emily and the girl whose name was Lucy really bonded. Soon after that day at the mall Emily and Lucy got together again. This time Lucy introduced Emily to all of her friends. Emily wasn’t used to these kinds of girls, as they came from a more wealthy background than Emily and her friends. As time went on, Emily started hanging out with Lucy and her friends more and more. Eventually Emily became very good friends with them. Every time Emily and her new friends got together all they would do was shop. It was as if they were feeding off each other’s shopping habits. Each shopping trip would consist of each kid spending at least two thousand dollars. This made Emily run out of money really quickly. Going out with her friends made her feel quite pressured to buy what she couldn’t afford. Emily’s mother one day came home from the bank very nervous with a disappointed look in her eyes. Emily’s mother then sat her down and talked to her about how while she was working at the bank that day she looked up Emily’s visa record to make sure everything was going smoothly as it was only to be used for emergencies. Since they didn’t have very much money they kept the limit to a maximum of one hundred dollars a month. Emily’s mother then went on to say that Emily’s had completely exceeded her amount on the card and she had now gone on to over draft. Emily had spent money she did not have. At this point, Emily was in a panic. She knew she had spent a lot of money but as she always used her Visa. She did not realize it had gotten to this point. As well, Emily borrowed money from friends that she had not paid back yet. Emily did not want her mother to find out because she would even more disappointed. At this point in time Emily did not know what she was going to do she had absolutely no money. As time passed, Emily eventually had to stop going shopping with her friends all together. She was to tempted to buy things, and when she didn’t buy anything she felt quite embarrassed. But giving up shopping was not enough. Emily had to find away to make money so she could pay off her visa and repay her friends for everything she had already bought. One morning, Emily woke up and it hit her she should just sell everything if not most things she had bought. Emily would make enough money to get out of dept and maybe even make a little cash on the side for herself although this time she would know not to spend it and to keep it. That weekend Emily’s family helped Emily to put together a giant yard sale with everything she had to sell. Just as Emily had hoped, with all the advertising her family and her had put together for this sale, everything was selling. Emily had been so preoccupied with putting this sale together she hadn’t even thought about what her friends would think when they found out soon enough, Emily’s friends showed up very confused. They wanted to know why Emily was selling everything she had bought with them, and why she had stopped going shopping with them. They felt very insulted by Emily because she abandoned them. Emily then decided that it was time for them to know the truth. At that moment, Emily came clean to them about everything. Emily explained that while her family was in a comfortable financial situation they were not as wealthy as the rest of them, and she couldn’t afford to buy everything that they all can which has put her into debt. She went on to tell them that with this yard sale she would now able to pay them back. After Emily told them everything, and there were no more secrets to be shared, the girls were all very understanding. They told Emily that they wished she would have just been honest with them from the beginning as they could have found different things to do other than shopping. From that point on, Emily starting hanging out with her friends again. She felt comfortable they would now do a variety of things like going bowling, going to amusement parks, and just hanging out and watching movies at one of their houses. Emily was no longer a shopaholic, she had real friends and was happy. 

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